Recent content by AnnagramAU

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    DVD Bounce

    Hi! I was wondering if you had any thoughts on how to add this widget (and potentially other Slime2 widgets) into MixItUp Bot using the new overlay widgets?
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    Villager Chat [Paid]

    so had it happen again this stream, messages from one person weren't coming through in OBS but they were in my browser. i refreshed the browser source in OBS and the messages started coming through. the only thing i noticed was they didnt have pronouns set when everyone else in my chat did (they...
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    Villager Chat [Paid]

    that seems to work fine, i'll keep it open and check for any errors next stream and report back
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    Villager Chat [Paid]

    no, they're all on default options
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    Villager Chat [Paid]

    Hey Zaytri, I updated to villager chat 2.0.0 and only chats from moderators and myself as the broadcaster were showing up, unsure why this has happened. Any ideas?