Recent content by Geddstation

  1. Geddstation

    Rounded Box Chat

    Hey mielzy, been using the chat on stream for a few streams now, really loving it. Just having some trouble getting chat to do any form of exit animation, whether vertical or horizontal it just seems to crop off the edge of the box, both when used in OBS or just when previewed on a browser. Am I...
  2. Geddstation

    Rounded Box Chat

    Not the same width per se but a maximum width they can be so they also utilitse some height which I have available if that makes sense. Not sure if the attatched image might help at all. Thank you for replying! (image description: two lots of on screen chat widgets both just with the word...
  3. Geddstation

    Rounded Box Chat

    Hey mielzy, thanks for uploading this widget, it's great. I'm trying to replicate how I had my Chat Bubbles by Zaytri setup using streamelements. I'm quite close but would love some more customisation options for the size of the boxes themselves, size of the borders etc. I know there is the css...