How to implement Frankerfacez, BetterTTV & 7TV


New member
Hey all, I saw that in the villager chat theme, there was support for FFZ & BTTV, and I was wondering how you'd go about implementing that in a theme of your own. This may not be the right catagory for a question like this, but I hope i'll get some tips :)
FrankerFaceZ and BetterTTV are both already implemented by default into the base theme, but just channel emotes, not global emotes, so that users don't get those emotes forced upon them. Only the emotes that they choose themselves for their channel are shown.

7TV won't be implemented, more information on that in this thread:

Additionally, I won't accept any themes, mods, or tutorials in these forums involving 7TV.
FrankerFaceZ and BetterTTV are both already implemented by default into the base theme, but just channel emotes, not global emotes, so that users don't get those emotes forced upon them. Only the emotes that they choose themselves for their channel are shown.

7TV won't be implemented, more information on that in this thread:

Additionally, I won't accept any themes, mods, or tutorials in these forums involving 7TV.
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