Flexible bubble chat

Free Flexible bubble chat 1.0.1

Download (19.1 KB)
slime2 version
A flexible (customizable) bubble chat built off of Zaytri's base Slime Chat.

  • Choose between a full or compact chat display. The different displays have different customization options.
  • Set the location/orientation of the chat and the animations for when a new chat message appears and disappears.
  • Pick custom badges for host, moderator, VIP, founder, and artist roles.
  • Timing, emote, pronoun, and filter settings are the same as the base Slime Chat.
  • General font settings apply for both full and compact displays.
    • Set the font, size, and weight.
    • Specify outline properties.
See the "flex-chat-overview.txt" file for a full list of all settings, organized as they appear in the widget settings.

Full Chat

  • Username: background color, text color, rotation angle, border properties, vertical and horizontal positioning
  • Message: background color, text color, border properties, horizontal positioning

Compact Chat

  • Username color, message color, background color, border properties

Terms of Use
  1. Do not claim this as your own and/or resell it.
  2. Do not modify this to make your own widget, but feel free to pull bits from the code or reach out if you have any questions.
  3. Linking to the Widget Gallery post as credit is appreciated (but not required).
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Updating to slime2 1.1.4

    Updating to use Zaytri's slime2 1.1.4 that fixes some bugs. Check her updates for more details...

Latest reviews

Haven't had any problems with it! It's super customizable and everything looks great.
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