- slime2 version
- 3.1.0
Sleek star round chat!
Built using slime2: slime2.stream
Created from Zaytri's base Slime Chat: https://forums.slime2.stream/resources/slime-chat.10/
〚Useful Links〛
- Setup: https://forums.slime2.stream/resources/getting-started-with-slime2.3
- Support: https://forums.slime2.stream/threads/sleek-star-round-chat.99/
- Username colors can be taken from Twitch, but can also be customized to your liking
- Customizable message border colors
- Shows pronouns from pronouns.alejo.io
- Shows channel emotes from Twitch, FrankerFaceZ, and BetterTTV, and global emotes from just Twitch
- Automatically deletes messages from moderator actions
〚Terms of Use〛
- Do not claim this as your own or resell it
- You may modify this to create your own slime2 widget, and you can freely share or sell that widget
- Feel free to post your widget here on the forums: https://forums.slime2.stream/resources/categories/2/
- Credit is not necessary, but appreciated ♡