Animating old messages / event-list


New member
Hello there! I'm quite fond of slime2, and its heavy customisation feature.
But now I'm hitting a wall because I'm looking at the animation part of it.

I've made a widget in a column fashion, and made it so the messages' width is fixed.
I made a custom entrance animation that mimics the printing of a cashier's receipt. Any new message does "print up in fits and starts"…

…but is there a way so that the old messages don't instantly go up to make room for the new message?
Could it all swipe up, like a carousel or a teleprompter? I'd like the whole event-list to animate each time there's a new message posted (in a receipt fashion).

Also, I don't quite understand why an expired message will benefit from an exit animation, but not a message that goes beyond the event max limit.
I'd like to be able to say : "6 messages is the maximum. On a 7th, please animate out the oldest one". Right now it's instantly deleted.

Thank you for reading!