Slime Chat

Free Slime Chat 3.2.4

Upgraded to slime2 v1.1.5

Upgraded to slime2 v1.1.4
Upgraded to slime2 v1.1.3
Small update that fixes exit animations!

Some combinations of entrance/exit animations broke the exit animation, but that's fixed now!
  • Customizable background for each message
    • Background color, padding, and border
  • Adjustable max message width for horizontal display
  • Messages can now be displayed under usernames instead of inline
  • The colon : between the username and message can now be removed
  • Adjustable gap between messages and line height
  • Disappearing, Delay, and Alignment settings have now been combined into Display settings
    • Because of this, any customized settings you had in those won't copy over, you'll need to manually set those up again
Firstly, this is now renamed to Slime Chat (was Simple Chat before)

Important Fix

  • Chat should actually no longer break after a while, now that it's updated to slime2 v1.1.2 (released today)
New Features

  • Username, text, and edge colors are now customizable
  • Dynamic emote size is now adjustable
  • You can now add a delay before messages appear
How to Transfer your Settings

Follow the Settings Transfer Guide, but since I renamed some things, you'll need to rename the data file from simple-chat-data to data-slime-chat.

Chat breaks after about 4 hours due to an authentication error bug that was in slime2, I've fixed that and updated Simple Chat.
Updated to be compatible with slime2 v1.0.0, and now has customizable settings! This is now a simplistic chat widget that is free to modify and incorporates a lot of the functionality that my StreamElements Chat Bubbles had!