Scrolling Chat

Scrolling Chat 2.0.4


Glitch Witch
I tried to set up this widget, but after getting the authentication token I still get the "token invalid" message in the web browser page.

This is different from how I successfully set up the Simple Chat widget, so I wonder what else I'm supposed to do.
I tried to set up this widget, but after getting the authentication token I still get the "token invalid" message in the web browser page.

This is different from how I successfully set up the Simple Chat widget, so I wonder what else I'm supposed to do.
oh yea this is still using the beta version of slime2 which has a different authentication method

I'll update it eventually it's just not high up on my priority list at the moment

I can ping you here once it is updated
oh yea this is still using the beta version of slime2 which has a different authentication method

I'll update it eventually it's just not high up on my priority list at the moment

I can ping you here once it is updated
Please and thank you!!
Thank you for this very well timed update!!
Zaytri updated Scrolling Chat with a new update entry:

v2.0.2 - Updated Pronouns

Upgraded to slime2 v1.1.3

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hello! I recently tried to switch over to Slime2 to get exactly this effect. However, I was finding that it would regularly just get disconnected from chat, where even refreshing the cache and sending test messages didn't help. After running this in a browser outside of OBS, I found that this was due to it getting a CORS violation when trying to fetch pronouns. Is there any way to disable this feature?
Hello! I recently tried to switch over to Slime2 to get exactly this effect. However, I was finding that it would regularly just get disconnected from chat, where even refreshing the cache and sending test messages didn't help. After running this in a browser outside of OBS, I found that this was due to it getting a CORS violation when trying to fetch pronouns. Is there any way to disable this feature?
currently working on fixes for the pronouns, recently updated to the new pronouns API and there's been unexpected issues on that server
Zaytri updated Scrolling Chat with a new update entry:

v2.0.3 - Pronoun Fixes

Upgraded to slime2 v1.1.4

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hello! I recently tried to switch over to Slime2 to get exactly this effect. However, I was finding that it would regularly just get disconnected from chat, where even refreshing the cache and sending test messages didn't help. After running this in a browser outside of OBS, I found that this was due to it getting a CORS violation when trying to fetch pronouns. Is there any way to disable this feature?
Should hopefully be fixed with v2.0.3!
Hiya! This is great! I absolutely love the customizations this comes with, especially as someone trying to get out of using StreamElements. Is it possible to add custom fonts or use Google fonts at all?
Hiya! This is great! I absolutely love the customizations this comes with, especially as someone trying to get out of using StreamElements. Is it possible to add custom fonts or use Google fonts at all?
yea, in the text style options you can type in any font you have installed on your computer
Zaytri updated Scrolling Chat with a new update entry:

v2.0.4 - Fixes for chat messages deleted by bots

Upgraded to slime2 v1.1.5

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi there, is there a way to avoid chats overlaping? its something that I havent completely figured out and would really like to fix!
Hi there, is there a way to avoid chats overlaping? its something that I havent completely figured out and would really like to fix!
uhhh no not really, they're all given completely random starting positions, it's meant to emulate the nico nico douga comments experience