Slime Chat

Slime Chat 3.2.4

Hiya! I don't know if this is the right place to post this or not but I had a suggestion to improve Slime Chat! I've been using it for about a week now and I love it! Currently, messages are only able to be set to disappear after a certain amount of time or a certain amount of messages. I was thinking, is there a way we could have messages disappear after a certain number of lines? I have a chatbot set up through and the automatic messages I have it send can be kind of long. If I have the messages disappear by amount then they usually stack up enough to clip off the browser source. If they were able to be set to disappear based on the number of lines then it wouldn't matter how long messages sent are.
Thanks for reading!
would be tricky to implement tbh, I'd need to have it calculate heights and take spacing into account to do that

alternatively I can set up messages to disappear once any part of them goes out of bounds

for now I'd just recommend adding your bot to the bot filters if you don't need the messages showing up on stream
Zaytri updated Slime Chat with a new update entry:


  • Customizable background for each message
    • Background color, padding, and border
  • Adjustable max message width for horizontal display
  • Messages can now be displayed under usernames instead of inline
  • The colon : between the username and message can now be removed
  • Adjustable gap between messages and line height
  • Disappearing, Delay, and Alignment settings have now been...

Read the rest of this update entry...
would be tricky to implement tbh, I'd need to have it calculate heights and take spacing into account to do that

alternatively I can set up messages to disappear once any part of them goes out of bounds

for now I'd just recommend adding your bot to the bot filters if you don't need the messages showing up on stream
Sadly I can't really filter my bot messages as they are appearing as my own account and I'd like other messages I send to be seen on stream. I will likely set up a dedicated bot account soon.
Disappearing once out of bounds pretty much sounds like what I'm looking for but you wouldn't need to run a ton of calculations!
Thanks for listening to my idea!
Sadly I can't really filter my bot messages as they are appearing as my own account and I'd like other messages I send to be seen on stream. I will likely set up a dedicated bot account soon.
Disappearing once out of bounds pretty much sounds like what I'm looking for but you wouldn't need to run a ton of calculations!
Thanks for listening to my idea!
oh there's still calculations but it's definitely simpler (get message position and size and compare it to the boundaries)
HI, I've been attempting to troubleshoot this on my end but have not found any good luck so far.
I have noticed that after maybe less than 5 mins it will disconnect for some reason.
I found this in the console on the chrome side of things as firefox did not give me anything on it.
is there anything I need to change or look into changing ?
HI, I've been attempting to troubleshoot this on my end but have not found any good luck so far.
I have noticed that after maybe less than 5 mins it will disconnect for some reason.
I found this in the console on the chrome side of things as firefox did not give me anything on it.
is there anything I need to change or look into changing ?
View attachment 118
huh that's weird
could be a temporary issue with Twitch? not sure
I'll look into it but let me know if it keeps happening in a day or two
it does seem to attempt to reconnect automatically at least
What does your v3.1.0 folder look like? You might also need to refresh the browser source
This is what the v3.2.0 folder looks like, but it still doesn't work. I didn't even transfer anything and it still didn't work. All I did was save the same key from 3.0.1. Would that be a problem? I'm at my wit's end.


  • image_2023-12-23_024230147.png
    18.7 KB · Views: 2
This is what the v3.2.0 folder looks like, but it still doesn't work. I didn't even transfer anything and it still didn't work. All I did was save the same key from 3.0.1. Would that be a problem? I'm at my wit's end.
What exactly do you mean by it not working? Is it all completely broken? What are you able to see, and when you open the HTML file in a browser and hover over does anything pop up?
I encountered a bug! When you have Fade Right selected as an entrance animation, Fade and Fade Left exit animations don't work!
I encountered a bug! When you have Fade Right selected as an entrance animation, Fade and Fade Left exit animations don't work!
oh thanks, didn't realize that was broken but I figured it out

apparently all the exit animations need to be defined after all the entrance animations in the CSS to correctly override the animation

released a fix!
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Thanks Zaytri!!
Zaytri updated Slime Chat with a new update entry:

v3.2.2 - Updated Pronouns

Upgraded to slime2 v1.1.3

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hiya. Having some issue with 3.2.2 where some people's message don't show or are very delayed. I've tried generating a new key, a new settings, and tried the OBS interact test message. Sometimes when refreshing it gets stuck on the pronouns connection for quite some time.
Hiya. Having some issue with 3.2.2 where some people's message don't show or are very delayed. I've tried generating a new key, a new settings, and tried the OBS interact test message. Sometimes when refreshing it gets stuck on the pronouns connection for quite some time.
hmmm yea it seems there's some slow down with the pronouns API that I didn't anticipate

going to make an update to the slime2 core later to do all the pronoun handling asynchronously, so that it doesn't wait for the pronouns to be loaded and chat won't wait for individual pronouns to be loaded, only showing them once they are loaded
Zaytri updated Slime Chat with a new update entry:

v3.2.3 - Pronoun Fixes

Upgraded to slime2 v1.1.4

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hiya. Having some issue with 3.2.2 where some people's message don't show or are very delayed. I've tried generating a new key, a new settings, and tried the OBS interact test message. Sometimes when refreshing it gets stuck on the pronouns connection for quite some time.
Should hopefully be fixed with v3.2.3!
Hi, I wanted to know if FFZ support could get added? I love how slimechat looks but would enjoy that extra addition