Slime Chat

Slime Chat 3.2.4

Are there plans for old/existing messages to animate when new messages animate in? When using this as a scrolling/ticker bar it's a bit jarring to see old messages suddenly jump, in juxtaposition to new messages sliding in smoothly
that's tricky to do from a technical standpoint so not soon at least, prioritizing other code work
hmm that would only happen if it somehow doesn't have access to the other files in the folder
are you sure you're opening the HTML file in the extracted folder or within the original ZIP itself?
I opened it in the extracted folder, I could try to open it with root access! thanks!
Having an issue when I go to connect my Youtube account saying the app isn't authorized through Google and I can not get my youtube key because of this. Twitch worked fine. Any news?
Having an issue when I go to connect my Youtube account saying the app isn't authorized through Google and I can not get my youtube key because of this. Twitch worked fine. Any news?
there's no support for youtube, it's just there for dev mode at the moment
Hi Zaytri! Sorry if this is a stupid question but I am having an issue with Slime Chat where the tools tab in the html file that should be opened to customise the chat displays nothing inside of it.

I am on a Linux Mint system right now and do not know if it is because of that.
Using it in OBS is fine, it works as expected but I would like to customize it a bit yet can't..

thank you in advance!

View attachment 190
Ever find a solution to this? I'm having this issue too. (on a different Linux distro, but still)
Had to add the folder directory to my Firefox's Flatpak permissions
(This does NOT take Flatseal on the latest version of the Steam Deck's OS. It's a built in feature now!)
Hi! I recently came across this, and I have a question.

I want to know how to save the settings when I change them for the chat widget. I notice I get a new JS file every time I do so. Do I drag that into the folder, or are the changes automatically applied when I changed them?

Apologies for sounding stupid, I’m new to all this.
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Hi, I had a question regarding dynamic emote sizing.

Currently, slime has two different emote sizes for messages without regular text, large (for single emotes) and medium (for 2+ emotes). Ideally, I would like to use that large size for messages with two or three emotes as well, with medium being for messages with 4+ emotes.

I found the if statement in the code that chooses emote size, and changed it to emoteCount > 3. And while this does make two and three emote messages use the large size, it also inserts a linebreak after each emote, which it doesn't do for medium emotes.

Is ther a way to fix this?

slimechat elseif.png slimechat large emote linebreak.png
@Jester_of_Diamonds hmmm might just need to go into the CSS and remove display: block in this part:

.dynamic-emote-sizes .emote-4 .emote {
  display: block;
  margin: 5px;
  height: var(--emoteLarge);

I was focused so much on the .js file that I didn't even consider looking at the .css file.
This fixed it thank you so much! (Both for the help here and just making a very good chatbox)
Weird question. I was trying to use a font and while it worked in my web browser, it didn't work in the OBS web browser. The font doesn't have a normal/regular, bold, etc style it has a Bold N style for some reason. I tried changing the weight in the data js to it. I'm now seeing that maybe I could add it to the settings js but it was weird the preview worked fine under firefox but not in OBS
@Snakeman hmmm can you tell me what font you're trying to use? might help for debugging because I'm not sure why it wouldn't work
I found a better font that does work so it isn't vital but for debugging the front is called Geometry Soft Pro