!ChooseVillager and !VillagerReroll not working in ACNH Chat Overlay


New member
Hi there, I hope I'm posting this question in the right place. I am using the ACNH Villager Overlay but !choosevillager and !villagerreroll chat commands are not working. Is there something more I need to do to get it to work? Also, if I wanted to switch to the channel point redeems of these commands, is there a specific way to do that? I do have my twitch connected and authenticated with my account here.
can you share screenshots of how you're trying to use them? and did you enable them in the settings?
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Sorry for the late reply! I didn't get any images of it. But I followed the instructions for doing the channel point version of it and that worked fine. So it has mostly solved my issue. As for the chat command, I did have it enabled in settings, and everything set up properly, but when I used the chat commands in chat, they did not work whether I was on or offline.
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hmmm weird
they should work even when offline
glad the channel points work tho!
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